Friday, January 29, 2010

Leopold and Leob trials

During this class period I found an intresting atricle about the Leopold and Loeb trails. This case dealt with the murder of a 14-year-old boy from Chicago, named Bobby Franks, at the hands of two teens from the area. The two teenagers who were responsible for the killings were very bright in school, were wealthy, and looked as though they had a bright future ahead of them. They initially kidnapped Bobby in order to make a profit but they also intended to kill him to "commit murder and partly to prove that their superior intelligence would enable them to get away with it." The bafling thing about this case is that the two killers were JEWISH!! The fact that the two killers were Jewish enraged the public even more.I feel that because the killers were jewish it gave jews a bad name in the area and it also further seperated the jews from the rest of society. Anti-semitism played a big role in this time era. I think a lot of the reason for all the chaos is because of religion and the inablility for people to accept one anothers religion.

check out the article ->.

"Leopold and Loeb trials." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 29 Jan. 2010. .

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