Monday, February 22, 2010

response to the cheese log blog

This blog was about the environment and mainly how pollution is killing our world. A shocking statistic that I found in the presentation was that 30.3% of the worlds population is caused by America...resulting in this is the 33% of Chinese people who live in such polluted cities that it is equivalent to smoking "2 cigarettes a day". This came as a big shock to me because I'm not very informed on this topic but I was aware that pollution was a growing problem. I was not aware of the fact that it was getting this deadly, and WE as Americans were the cause of this mess/ well, at least part of it. I never understood until now how necessary it is to protect our earth for future generations. There was a slide in the show that described how schools are now trying to use recyclable trays instead of throwing them out after one use. I found this very interesting because for my 3 years at Deerfield High School I have always been accustom to reusable trays and I am very happy to say that. I think that our school is pretty green because we use those trays, we have recycling bins in every classroom, we also have a can receptacle in the cafeteria. We also have earthworks which is a club working towards the goals of less paper and a more green school. I would think that in this day in age that we would use less paper because we now have the internet and more social things on there. By cutting down trees it produces a mass amount of carbon dioxide that cannot be removed therefore resulting in global warming. I’m very happy that I was able to be informed on this topic and I learned a lot.

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