Monday, February 22, 2010

Response to Thoughts of Yesterdays blog

I have known a lot about the topic of gay rights and yet I have never truly seen the hurt of the people. Watching the YouTube video of the post secret things, I saw how it truly made people feel to be alone and not be accepted by society. Then one topic that truly stood out to me was the education in school about gays. It is not a very talked about issue therefore is left up to the kids to find out for themselves. The post included examples how kids got made fun of for being different and how parents have a big influence on their kids opinions. Parents are usually looked up to as role models and a majority of their ideas will be passed on in some form to their kid. Whether the parents are homophobic or not I think that kids should have their own ideas about the issue.
Another issue that I found interesting was the “Don’t ask Don’t tell” policy of the army. The author of the blog asked about how a president could make a law restricting what people can and cannot talk about. I don’t think that gays should be treated any differently than straight people. The are just people trying to help their country like every other citizen in the army. I think that the law made gays feel even more segregated and different than the other general public. The president in turn took away their freedoms and rights to have their own life. That must be a horrible feeling to have to hide ones own identity for fear of judgment. I don’t understand what the problem is with people. We are all put on this earth for a reason and it shouldn’t matter what sex we are attracted to.

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