Monday, February 8, 2010

Can't read Bible for show and tell

Recently covered in the Associated Press, was a story about a mother who was not allowed to read a passage from the Bible for her son's show and tell presentation. The mother argued with the court that holidays have been talked about previously at school so reading a passage from the Bible would be no different. In response the court said, "there was a 'significant difference' between identifying such holidays and reading from Scripture." The lawyer said that the school district can restrict material but they have to be "viewpoint neutral" once they invite parents in to celebrate their children. In the end this argument was more so about the mothers interest then the son's connection to his religion. In reality the son's babysitter said that his favorite book was "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" instead of the Bible.

I think that this is a significant current event because it shows how there is a very thin line about how much religious references can be taught in school. I believe that holidays should be taught as a learning example but not looked into as far as the Scriptures.

Associated Press. “Court rules that Pennsylvania woman Donna Kay Busch can't read Bible to son's kindergarden class.” New York Daily News. New York Daily News, n.p. 8 Feb 2010.

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