Thursday, February 11, 2010

Current Events Analysis

How does religion still play a role in schools? Currently, although there are many laws against it, prayer and religious ideas are still a big controversy in our country. Today, religion appears to be a very important part of society based upon how schools still get off for national holidays such as Christmas, Easter, and some other Christian holidays. The school boards and schools both accept that school is taken off to celebrate, as long as there is no celebrating in schools. Schools on that note, are allowed to teach holidays to their students but they aren’t allowed to read holy scriptures or other texts. In contrast to this point of everyone getting along, there have been people who were so offended by the religious exposure in school, they felt the need to move away from their home. Especially being Jewish, it leads to many problems that have also been caused by some history.
Today, Religion is a big part of politics also. In politics, the world has experience dealing with extremists from different faiths all over the world. There are always going to be those people who believe their religion is the best and will try to change people. They also want to rid the world of “the others” if they do not fit in with their beliefs. This leads to many conflicts over the interpretation of a text or religious beliefs. This belief contradicts the opinion that religion gives people a set of morals. It shows that religion does not always offer time for good deeds but time and commitment.
Some of the reasoning behind people’s actions today comes from their upbringing. Some people were raised in a religious house with a commitment to their religious establishments, on the other hand, some have grown in a secular world used to other ideas. For instance, in the classroom, some people were offended by the prayer decision. Students barley understood what they were saying, but when the parents got involved it was a different story. Some parents enjoy the fact that religious thinking is being incorporated into school but other parents feel very offended. One outside view said atheism harms society. The author of the article felt that that religion offered a set of moral values among which non-believers could never understand. This belief came from a history of many crimes happening and the belief that church is the best way to believe.


  1. I think you did well in your focus and staying on the subject making it easier for me to understand but i also think that you could analyze even better if you used some quotes from your sources to be more specific in what your trying to say... maybe you can talk about how religion affects people in society as a whole and then specify in religion in school? I think it would have a better flow. Other than that I think this is very good! good job

  2. This blog is off to a great start! It flows nicely and your paragraphs make sense. It would make some of your interpretations/ points stronger if you integrated some quotes from some of the texts that you read. I also like how you presented both views of one subject, not just one. It gives the analysis more depth as you are able to compare and contrast the views. Great job
