Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Background anaysis

Throughout American history religion has always been a big part of daily life. Through the diverse population of America there are many different religions practiced. Before schools were built, religion was taught in religious establishments to eager students. Once schools started to be built, religion was still incorporated into the curriculum. As time went on, the courts decided after the care of Everson vs. Board of Education, that church and state needed to be separate. From 1947 forward, the Court has ruled with regularity on religious issues, in direct violation of the original meaning of the First Amendment. In 1962 a case was filed against a New York district for making the students say a prayer at the beginning of every day. This rule clearly went against the first amendment and was quickly changed. The government and the school boards should not have the authority to require students to say prayers. Even if it only refers to one God, as most religions in America are, it is still a religious practice that was made against the law in public schools. This was a very big landmark for American society.
Religion not only has been brought out of schools but has also helped many people in history. As I researched earlier, during the reconstruction times, the blacks used religion to bond and have a hopeful outlook. They used religion to have a sense of belonging with each other when they came from a place were they were worthless. They found value. But some societies, if there were different religions present, had major issues. For example the Leopold and Leob trial demonstrated that although religion is not what caused the murder of the boy, the uproar from the community when they found out the murders were Jewish, created a lot of chaos.
Religion is defined as a belief in a God. It is demonstrated through prayers and excersizes.

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